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  • #708

    Tashfeen Jamil

    So DTP is one the components of the exam,It is conducted on the 3 day of the exam along with medical emergencies.In exam we have 1 hour to do the detailed treatment plan of the case given.When you will go inside,the nurse will hand over you a file with coloured empty sheets and it will be written on top page why the patient is here .For example he can come with a pain in one of his tooth.

    Inside the folder you will find the following colour coded sheets:

    1. Candidate information about patient Colour White

    2. Patient History Form Colour Blue

    3. Provisional diagnosis Colour Orange

    4. Radiographic Prescription Colour Orange

    5. Special investigations request Colour Orange

    6. Radiographic report Colour Green

    7. Treatment Plan Colour Green

    There will be a coloured clock.The colours relate to the clock face and should be completed during that phase of the examination.

    • The second sheet “Patient History Form” coloured blue should be completed during

    the first 10 minutes while you take the history.

    • The third, fourth and fifth sheets coloured orange should all be completed during the

    11 minutes following the departure of the examiners and the patient.After 11 minutes nurse will come and take away all the orange sheets but history sheet will remain with you till the end.

    • The last two sheets coloured green should be completed during the 23 minutes you

    are allowed for examining the further artefacts and preparing your treatment plan

    and radiographic report.

    Presentation of Treatment Plan to the patient – 10 minutes

    At the end of the treatment planning time your “patient” will return with the examiner. The

    examiner will ask you to present your treatment plan to your “patient”. This treatment plan

    should be presented to the “patient” in lay terms explaining your essential findings in such a

    way that the “patient” has sufficient information to understand the advantages and

    disadvantages of the possible options that you consider are available, and to give valid

    consent for your proposed preferred option.When you are taken to your chair you will find an examiner and your patient.

    NOTE: Written part and oral part “history taking and presentation”both are equally important so pay attention on both of them.

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0 of 0 posts June 2018