Exam structure
So after passing LDS part 1 you will be added to LDS part 2 waiting list.The exam structure is as follows:
The Part 2 exam of the Licence in Dental Surgery (LDS) is held over a minimum of three days and consists of three sections:
1.objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) of two hours duration,Medical emergency stations are added in osces and its must to pass ME stations in order to get a pass in OSCES,and if you pass all the other osces stations and fail ME stations they will fail you.In ORE ME exam is a separate component which consists of a scenarios based viva and BLS but In LDS, ME stations has an actor and you have to manage the patient live as far as I know.
2.an operative test on a dental manikin of up to three hours duration
3.the ‘unseen case’ exam – (based on an objective structured long examination – OSLE model) which is designed to test candidates’ diagnosis treatment planning and clinical reasoning. Four cases (approximately 32 minutes each case).
In each exam they take ,
LDS Part 2 – up to 60 candidates
Candidates must pass Part 2 within five years of passing Part 1. Up to four attempts are allowed for each part of the exam.
Exam fees is: £2,940 and held in London.
There is a £230 completion fee for those completing an FDS Royal College of Surgeons of England diploma. This fee will be collected once you have passed the exam.
Candidates are also required to complete a serology test and a basc life support (BLS) course
For all the information follow this link
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