What Topic/Subjects are taught in UK's Therapist/Hygenist Degree?
If you are working on your own on the GDC Therapist/Hygienist Application, you would need to know that What Topics / Subjects are covered in UK’s Dental Therapist/Hygienist Degrees.
For a completed breakdown of topics you would have to consult the university representatives from a university who are offering this degree. Below are some main subjects which they cover. This could be a good starting point on your research.
Modules in the first year
- Professionalism
- Biomedical Sciences
- Dentistry in Society
- Oral Health Promotion and Education
- Dental Hygiene Clinical Practice
- Introduction to Adult Restorative Dentistry
Modules in the second year
- Adult Restorative Dentistry Theory and Clinical Practice
- Periodontal Diseases Theory and Clinical Practice
- Applied Pharmacology and Pain and Anxiety Control
- Dental Radiography
- Paediatric Dentistry
- Professionalism Portfolio (Required Element)
Modules in the third year
- Integrated Clinical Practice
- Research Project
- Professionalism Portfolio (Required Element)
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There are 19 training schools in the UK that offer training to become a Dental Hygienist / Dental Therapist – a full list is given below. Most training courses lead to a joint qualification.
For further details of the courses available, please write to the individual schools, enclosing a large SAE to request a prospectus. The prospectus will provide details about the course structure, qualifications at the end of the training, the length of the training course, entry requirements, when the course starts and how to apply.
University of Birmingham
0121 236 8611 / 0121 237 2802
University of Bristol
0117 342 4136
Cardiff University
Email: pcdtrainingcentre@cardiff.ac.uk
029 2074 4251
University of Dundee
https://www.dundee.ac.uk/undergraduate/oral-health-sciences 01382 384697
University of Edinburgh
0131 536 4937
University of Essex
https://www.essex.ac.uk/courses/ug00320/2/bsc-oral-health-science 01702 328469
Email: emnorris@essex.ac.uk
Glasgow Caledonian University
University of the Highlands & Inverness
01463 255842
University of Leeds
0113 3432336 Email: enquiriesadmissions@leeds.ac.uk
King’s College Hospital London
Email: kings.dht@nhs.net
020 3299 5214
Queen Mary University of London
Email: admissions@qmul.ac.uk
020 7882 8157
University College London Hospitals
Email: uclh.edhec@nhs.net
020 3456 1205
University of Manchester
0161 306 0231
Newcastle University
0191 282 4679
Plymouth University Peninsula Schools Medicine & Dentistry
Email: meddent-admissions@plymouth.ac.uk
01752 437333
University of Central Lancashire (Preston)
https://www.uclan.ac.uk/courses/bsc_hons_dental_hygiene_and_dental_therapy.php This course is based in the School of Dentistry
Telephone for further information +44(0)1772 892400
or email us at: cenquiries@uclan.ac.uk
University of Portsmouth
https://www.port.ac.uk/study/courses/bsc-hons-dental-hygiene https://www.port.ac.uk/study/courses/bsc-hons-dental-hygiene-and-dental-therapy
023 9284 5566
University of Sheffield
0114 215 9384 Email: dhdtadmissions@sheffield.ac.uk
Teesside University
Email: shlsadmissions@tees.ac.uk
01642 384110
I hope this helps 🙂 Best of Luck!
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