Job availability and Certificate of Good Standing

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  • #1357

    Kumar Santosh

    Dear all, I am in the middle of sorting out my hygienist/therapist registration paperworks and hopefully someone can help me with it.
    1) I understand for each registration we can either choose hygienist or therapist, so base on the job availability which one would stand a higher chance for us to get a job in the UK? (I am a dentist who hold a DBS degree)
    2) While trying to get Certificate of Good Standing, under the position which one should I choose since I am a dentist and my position is not listed. (only dental nurse/ hygienist/ dental therapist/ orthodontic therapist/ dental technician are available) Please refer to the image below.

    Many thanks for your time

    • This discussion was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by  Kumar Santosh.
    • This discussion was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by  Kumar Santosh.
  • Job availability and Certificate of Good Standing

  • Ana

    July 10, 2020 at 11:45 am

    Hi Jing Yi, copied here as well
    1. yes you are right you have to submit 2 separate applications if you want to apply for both registrations as a hygienist and a therapist. the best advice regarding what to choose would be -just google jobs offers on UK’s job search websites like etc and see what are the offers in your area.. I personally opted for a therapist as there are more offers there I live for a therapist .
    2. you can just add dentist and cross the rest

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by  Ana B.

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