GDC registration number asked in every CPD course platform

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  • #1828

    CPD course platforms ask for GDC numbers, But if I am not registered with GDC how will I provide that number? But to get registered I will have to attend CPD courses

    For instance, in isopharm while subscribing to the package, it was mandatory to provide GDC registration numbers whereas certain in websites, I can just type NA/NIL/NOT REGISTERED. But if I had to provide some random numbers, those numbers will be reflected in the CPD certificate which will be considered fraudulent?

  • GDC registration number asked in every CPD course platform

  • Annu Mj

    June 8, 2021 at 3:40 pm

    Hi, While I was doing the CPD’s from various websites I gave the GDC number as 0 or 00.

  • Yasemin Oz

    June 9, 2021 at 9:11 am

    Hi. Just put 0000 as GDC number

  • Abdelbaset Abdelaziz

    June 9, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    I’ve contacted with isopharm about this issue and they told me that :

    When you register for your account if you select a job role that isn’t aligned with the GDC then the GDC number field becomes optional rather than mandatory.<br clear=”none”><br clear=”none”>Job roles where a GDC number is not required could be:<br clear=”none”><br clear=”none”>- Trainee dental nurse<br clear=”none”>- Receptionist<br clear=”none”>- Treatment Co-ordinator<br clear=”none”>- Practice Manager

    hope this would help.

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